Daylite Timer Releases

Version History


Daylite Timer will soon require a small annual subscription to enable us keep adding features and updates.

Version 0.7 – 13th March 2021


– Fixed category loading when first connecting

– Removed project restriction of 250 items

– Increased speed of project loading

Version 0.6.6 – 1st March 2021


– Fixed expiry date.

– Updated dependant packages.

Version 0.6.5 – 1st Dec 2020


– Fixed expiry date.

– Updated dependant packages.

– Apple Silicon ready.

Version 0.6.4 – 1st Sept 2020


– Fixed expiry date.

Version 0.6.3 – 1st July 2020


– Fixed expiry date.

Version 0.6.2 – 1st May 2020


– Added in File menu for future uses 🙂

– Menu Bar Timer timer improvement in dark mode

– CMD + W closes preference window

Version 0.6 – 26th March 2020


– Manual time entry popup


– Interface updates

– General bug fixes

Version 0.5 – 31 Jan 2020


– Updates to Authentication engine

– Updates to Sparkle update engine

– Fixed bug preventing default category being chosen on load

– Added menu options for adding/removing time in the menu bar timer

– Updated text/alert when no internet connectivity at launch

Version 0.4.5 – 31 Oct 2019

Daylite Timer will soon require a small annual subscription to enable us keep adding features and updates.


– Updated security of DMG

– Updated signing of app

Version 0.4 – 22 April 2019


– Add ability to add 15mins and 30mins of duration via the timer menu

– DayliteTimer is now notarized by Apple, ready for 10.14.5


– Fixed an issue which made categories appear if they had not loaded

– Updated autoupdate mechanism

– Turned on sandboxing

– Enabled hardened runtime

Version 0.3.5 – 2 April 2019


– Added preference keep Daylite timer on top of other windows


– Fixed an issue with made categories appear if they had not loaded

Version 0.3.4 – 11 Feb 2019


– Added extra output to status string when updating projects/categories

– Added status in menu connection menu to show when projects are being loaded

– Added Preference to require details on entries

– Added sorting to category names

– Added feedback menu option


– Fixed an issues which prevented categories loading

– Fixed a crash on launch after change which Daylite Cloud accounts the users is logged into

– Fixes to the disconnect from Daylite cloud process

– Improved the rate limiting of requests to Marketcircle’s API to prevent errors

– Improved the category refresh menu function

– Improved the project refresh menu function

Version 0.3.3 – 31 Jan 2019


– Nothing just yet. Working on tasks!


– Fixed an issue where entries where there was no project link retain link of last project

– Expiry end March 2019


Version 0.3.2 – 15 Dec 2018


– Added macOS Mojave Dark Mode support


– Minor UI updates

– Framework updates

– Expiry end January 2019


Version 0.3.1 – 18 Sept 2018


– none in this version


– Fixed a crash created with API changes

– Throttled API request to prevent errors

– Expiry date extended to Nov 2018


Version 0.3 – 31 May 2018


– Linking to project works without the need for a script (YAY!)


– Project menu is cleared when submitting an item to Daylite

– Expiry date extended to Sept 2018

Version 0.2.5 – 18 May 2018


– Updates to Marketcircle API broke the project menu, this release fixes that.

Version 0.2.4 – 27 April 2018


– Sparkle update framework. Daylite Timer now checks and installs updates daily

– Add ability to search for a Project that is ‘New’ or ‘In-Progress’ (NB: Linking requires a Daylite script at this time which is included in the Download DMG. Run this once a day to link Timer entries to projects

– Added EULA to DMG

– Download DMG are now developer signed for security

– Added help menu and link to web FAQ


– Category menu does not show blank if no Daylite Appointment categories are set.

– Fixed issue where Category would get lost once sending entry to Daylite

Version 0.1 – 13 April 2018


– Record time and insert as Daylite appointment

– Save notes

– Menu Bar timer


– First release 🙂

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